Join the movement and run for a cause and be apart of something bigger.

What are the Comrades?

The Comrades Marathon is an ultramarathon of approximately 89 kilometres which is run annually in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa between the cities of Durban and Pietermaritzburg. It is one of the world’s largest and oldest ultramarathon race.

What we aim for!

As a company, we encourage people to join a healthier lifestyle. The aftermath of lockdown has brought a lot of people to the realisation that a healthy lifestyle is not a “nice-to-have” but a necessity. It has shown us how imperative it is that we as individuals focus on our family`s health as well as our wealth. 


Here at Oracle, we can assist with your financials but we also want our brokers’ staff as well as our clients to feel healthier in all aspects of life. It is extremely important to us that the overall wellness of every individual linked to Oracle is secured and protected. The bonus side is we get to use this platform to give back to the community. Every year a charity will be nominated, and we will raise funds for and encourage others while we run for a cause. 

So join us in our goal to create a team to RUN COMRADES 2021!

Nominate a charity and pledge your commitment here!

We will explain to you how to register for the Comrades, and we will even send you a diet  and training plan. Set a goal that is really worth while.