Model Portfolios

THE Rutherford WAY

Each investor has unique financial circumstances and wealth aspirations, leaving no room for a one-size-fits all investment approach. Therein lies the real value of Rutherford Multi-Managed Funds which have the inherent capability of blending different asset classes and complimentary investment philosophies through the selection of the underlying funds.

A multi-managed fund is a portfolio constructed by making investments into other single manager unit trusts. The underlying fund managers are carefully chosen to best meet the investment objectives of the multi-managed fund and to achieve optimal outcomes for investors.

One of the key benefits that a multi-managed fund can provide is an extra level of diversification. Investors gain access to all the usual benefits of a managed fund, such as diversification of asset class and management expertise with the added layer of diversification by fund manager. This is strategically significant because different fund managers will rarely perform equally in all market conditions. Having a panel of fund managers reduces the exposure to the performance of a single fund manager and therefore the risk while incorporating different investment theories and styles.

Effective active management by the multi-managed fund is an important part of the process and through ongoing monitoring, manager selection and allocation adjustment, helps to ensure that the underlying funds are delivering the best possible outcomes for investors in varying market conditions.

Rutherford Market Perspective

The Rutherford Market Perspective is a snapshot of the local and global factors which could have a bearing on our clients’ investment portfolios. It is compiled from information sourced from many local and international investment and research houses, with our House Outlook reflecting in our portfolios.

Rutherford Risk Profiler

In recent years risk profiling has become much more holistic and plays a crucial role in achieving optimal investment outcomes for clients. It quantifies 3 distinct aspects of risk: risk tolerance, the financial capacity to take a risk and the risk required to meet financial goals, and makes the additional provision of including a time horizon. Download the Rutherford Risk Profiler and check your risk profile for yourself