What is Wealth Management?

Whether you’re a high-net-worth individual, a small-business owner, or a family man (or woman), your hard-earned money needs managing.

If you think that sounds difficult, it is.

Successfully managing all the factors – an investment portfolio, retail banking, estate planning, legal resources, and tax professionals – is almost impossible if you haven’t been trained in how to do it.

Because time is money, we suggest that you get your money it`s very own Personal Assistant – a Wealth Manager. Luckily, we have the experience and knowledge to guide you successfully in this area.

We will guide you in the art of successful investing, incorporating advice on risk management tolerance, proper diversification, offshore investing, and tax planning.


You’ve planned and you’ve got to your golden years with a lovely golden nest egg, so you can tick financial planning off of your ‘to-do’ list, right? You want it to outlive you, not the other way round. You need a financial advisor, with the expertise to carefully and continuously manage your nest egg so that you can continue to enjoy your retirement. Remember – you could be in retirement for longer than your working life. More and more people are starting to live longer and longer.


The Golden Rule is to start retirement planning as early as your first pay cheque. You often need to finance a retirement that can last for 30 years or longer. Sometimes your retirement can last longer than your actual working life. So as a rule of thumb you need to save 15% of your salary for at least 30 years to afford yourself a comfortable retirement. 

Make sure you utilise the 8th wonder of the world – compound interest – and take advantage of all the retirement tax breaks that you are allowed. And again, start as early as possible.

Ensure that you are one of the 6% of South Africans who can retire and lead an independent comfortable lifestyle.


Again another area that uses the eighth wonder of the world – compound interest. With so many ways to invest – from stocks, bonds and unit trusts to real estate or starting a business – building an investment portfolio can seem daunting. At Oracle, we’re as invested in helping you to achieve your financial goals as you are. We understand the complex world of investments and can help you create a balanced, diversified portfolio that works in tandem with your risk appetite. Speak to us for an investment solution that encapsulates more than just putting money away and hoping for the best.